Currently signed-in user or null.
Mapping between currency pairs and available exchange rates.
Mapping between cryptocurrencies and available transaction fee rates.
Crypto utilities.
ZumoKit SDK semantic version tag if exists, commit hash otherwise.
Listen to changes in current user’s sign in state, exchange rates, exchange settings or transaction fee rates.
interface to listen to changes
Fetch historical exchange rates for supported time intervals.
historical exchange rates
Get exchange rate for selected currency pair.
currency code
currency code
exchange rate or null
Get transaction fee rate for selected crypto currency.
currency code
transaction fee rate or null
Initializes ZumoKit SDK. Should only be called once.
ZumoKit API key
ZumoKit Card Service URL
ZumoKit Notification Service URL
ZumoKit Exchange Service URL
ZumoKit Custody Service URL
Remove change listener.
interface to listen to changes
Sets log level for current logger.
log level, e.g. 'debug' or 'info'
Signs out current user.
Generated using TypeDoc
ZumoKit entry point. Refer to documentation for usage details.